Portsmouth South MP Stephen Morgan urges ITV to drop “damaging” Down Syndrome storyline

Stephen Morgan, MP for Portsmouth South, has written to the chief executive of ITV, Carolynn McCall, calling on the channel to drop an Emmerdale storyline in which a baby is aborted because it has Down’s Syndrome.

The MP had been urged by his constituents, as well as the Portsmouth Down Syndrome Association, to voice their concerns.

Mr Morgan wrote that the storyline “creates a negative and offensive narrative that individuals with Down syndrome do not have a right to life, and are not viewed as equals in our society because of the incorrect assumption that they are unable to live full and productive lives, and that they suffer from their condition and will be a burden to all society.

“On behalf of my constituents, I urge you to intervene so the show drops this damaging storyline which is causing much hurt and anguish to thousands of families across the UK.”

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “Mr Morgan’s comments are to be welcomed, though the impact of his comments is dampened by his pro-abortion voting record.

“But if Emmerdale’s offensive storyline prompts MPs and others, such as himself, to rethink their position and realise that all abortion is wrong and that every child has a right to life, then something good might come out of this story.

“This remains to be seen.”

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Portsmouth South MP Stephen Morgan urges ITV to drop “damaging” Down Syndrome storyline

Stephen Morgan, MP for Portsmouth South, has written to the chief executive of ITV, Carolynn McCall, calling on the channel to drop an Emmerdale story...

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