Celebrities threaten to boycott Georgia over heartbeat abortion ban

Ben Stiller, Alyssa Milano, Alec Baldwin and Mia Farrow are among the Hollywood names who have signed the threatening letter.

They describe this attempt to save even some unborn lives as "evil".

A number of high-profile Hollywood celebrities have written to the Governor of Georgia, threatening to boycott the state if a "heartbeat" abortion bill becomes law.

House Bill 481, The Living Infants Fairness and Equality (L.I.F.E.) Act, which would ban most abortions after six weeks, or when an unborn baby's heartbeat is first detected, was passed by the Georgia Senate on Friday. 

Calling on the might of Hollywood to protect abortion

Actress Alyssa Milano immediately took to Twitter, saying: "There are over 20 productions shooting in GA & the state just voted to strip women of their bodily autonomy. Hollywood! We should stop feeding GA economy. #HB481IsBadForBusiness."

Now, more than 40 celebrities have signed her open letter sent to Georgia Governor Brian Kemp and House Speaker David Ralston, saying they will urge TV and film production companies to abandon the state if the bill is signed into law. The list includes household names such as Ben Stiller, Sean Penn, Alec Baldwin, and Mia Farrow.

Georgia must do as we say

In a blatant attempt to use their economic power to sway the democratic process, they say that they've "been glad to bring billions of dollars in revenue to support Georgia's schools, parks and communities" but that "we cannot in good conscience recommend that our industry remain in Georgia if HB481 becomes law."

Their letter declares:  "This dangerous and deeply-flawed bill mimics many others which have already been deemed unconstitutional. As men who identify as small-government conservatives, we remind you that government is never bigger than when it is inside a woman’s body or in her doctor’s office."

The letter then becomes even more threatening, and describes this attempt to save even some unborn lives as "evil".

"We can’t imagine being elected officials who had to say to their constituents, 'I enacted a law that was so evil, it chased billions of dollars out of our state’s economy.' It’s not the most effective campaign slogan, but rest assured we’ll make it yours should it come to pass."

Ironically for a letter that is calling for the legal killing of the unborn, they end: "You have a choice, gentlemen. We pray you make the right one."

"We don't put a price tag on human life"

However, Governor Kemp is not giving in to the threats, saying: "I do not think it will hurt the film industry in Georgia or any other business whatsoever. Us sticking up for our Georgia values and protecting life is not going to create a bad business environment in Georgia, I can promise you."

Ashley Bratcher, who stars in Unplanned, the new film about the conversion of former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson, and who is actually from the state, hit back, saying: "In Georgia, we care just as much about being pro-life as being pro-film. We don’t believe in putting a price tag on the value of a human life."

News in brief:

Celebrities threaten to boycott Georgia over heartbeat abortion ban

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