Ask your MP
to choose life in the new Parliament

The 2024 General Election has ushered in a big change in politics. Not only do we have a new Labour Government after 14 years of Conservative rule, but the make-up of Parliament itself has changed significantly.

Over half of MPs (54%) have been elected for the first time. This means that while we have information on some of them from our pre-election campaigning, we have no voting records for a huge number of MPs.

This lack of information is a challenge, but we also have a big opportunity to promote the pro-life message to these new MPs.

With assisted suicide legislation on the way, and the threat of decriminalisation proposals returning, it is hugely important that we lobby our MPs. Starting a respectful relationship with them is a crucial first step.

Contact your MP

Please use our tool to send a message to your MP. Input your postcode to bring up who your MP is. The tool will bring up an example template (which is tailored to if your MP is newly elected or returning, and if returning, to their voting record).

Please edit the template (especially if you have been in contact with your MP before) and press Send message.

And please send any replies you get to

Enter your post code below to find your MP

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Your Message
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    Dear [MP Name],

  • Kind regards,

      The signature section is filled in automatically for you

Your Details
  • Please enter your details below. Your MP will use this information to verify that you reside in their constituency.

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  • SPUC will add your name, address, and telephone number to our database to keep you informed on this and similar campaigns and opportunities to donate.

    We would also like to add your email address to our list of supporters so that we can keep you up to date with news and campaigns. We will keep your details safe and will not sell, swap or give them away.

    If you do not wish to hear from us by email, please select No below. Alternatively, you can email us at or call us on 020 7091 7091 at any time. You can view our privacy policy at

  • By submitting this form, I agree for you to forward the above message, my name, address and email address to my MP.

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