Ideas about “choice” and “autonomy” are central to the abortion industry. In reality, however, many abortions take place because a woman feels she has no choice – either because of her circumstances, or because she has been forced by her partner, family, or even medical professionals.
It is important to understand the reasons why women have abortions – including the horrific phenomenon of abortion coercion – in order that we can campaign for protections for vulnerable women and their children.
A recent BBC poll found that 15% of British women had been coerced into having an abortion that they did not want. This data is shocking – and shows that coercion in abortion decisions is an urgent and immediate threat to women’s health and wellbeing and is an often-unrecognised form of domestic abuse.
We need to make MPs aware of this problem.
On 25th October 2023, SPUC held an event in Parliament specifically on coerced abortion. Thank you to everyone who invited their MP to the event. A number of them told us that it was your email that prompted them to come, so it really does make a difference!
We need to keep working to get Government to recognise the problem of coerced abortion, and to take action to combat it.

Order Public Awareness Materials
We need to raise public awareness that coerced abortion is a form of abuse.
We have produced a range of materials which you can spread around your local community.
Abortion and Coercion
The Facts
Informed Consent
Order Our Leaflets