NI parents concerned about lessons imposing abortion ideology on children, poll finds in wake of Westminster diktat

The poll, conducted on behalf of SPUC by Whitestone Insight, interviewed 1465 adults in Northern Ireland aged over 18 between 4th and 8th September 2023. It follows a directive from the Northern Ireland Secretary, last June, imposing new RSE regulations that include teaching NI children how to access abortion.

Over half (55%) of parents surveyed stated that the people of Northern Ireland, not the NI Secretary, should decide the content of the RSE curriculum taught to children. 55% of respondents also supported a public consultation, including on teaching access to abortion, before any change to RSE regulations.

Looking at abortion more closely, the poll found that over a quarter (27%) of parents with non-adult children strongly opposed forcing schools to teach children about how and where to have an abortion. 57% of parents believed they should have the right to withdraw their children from lessons that conflict with their moral or religious values.

At the same time, 71% of all respondents agreed with the statement: “Children should be taught that there are different views and beliefs on abortion.” Just 12% disagreed with the statement. Young people were the most supportive of children being taught different views on abortion.

56% of parents were strongly opposed to the proposition that schools should be able to refer children for an abortion without parental consent.

The poll found widespread support for a two-day abortion waiting period (72%), parental consent for abortion when involving girls aged under 15 (64%) and obliging abortion providers to carry out checks on women to ensure they are not being coerced into abortion (69%).

Westminster must listen to the people of Northern Ireland

SPUC’s Michael Robinson, Executive Director (Public Affairs and Legal Services), said: “This representative survey lays bare the high level of concern about the heavy-handed approach taken by the Northern Ireland Secretary when he imposed new RSE regulations on the Province last June without any prior consultation.

“This legislation forces all post-primary schools to tell girls how they can get an abortion. Under RSE guidance in England schools are free to reflect their religious or moral ethos in the discussion of abortion. So why is Northern Ireland being treated differently?

“What is particularly interesting is that for almost every question we asked, parents with children of school age, those who will be taught these new lessons, expressed higher levels of concern than the public.

“The Westminster Government must now start listening to the people of Northern Ireland, withdraw the RSE legislation it imposed and introduce no further changes without a full public consultation on the matter.”

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