How many abortions have taken place in Scotland in the past 5 years?
Public Health Scotland publishes a report each year on abortion.
2017 – “The number of terminations in Scotland was at a five-year high in 2017. There were 12,212 terminations of pregnancy in Scotland in 2017. This was 106 more terminations than reported in 2016; an increase of just under one percent. The number of terminations remained below the 2008 high of 13,908.”
2018 – “The number and rate of terminations of pregnancy in Scotland in 2018 were at a ten-year high: there were 13,286 terminations which is a rate of 12.9 per 1,000 women (aged 15- 44).”
2019 – “In 2019, the second highest number of terminations was recorded since the Regulations were introduced: 13,583 (13 per 1,000 women aged 15-44).”
2020 – “In 2020, the second highest number of terminations and the highest termination rate were recorded since the 1991 Regulations were introduced: 13,815 terminations.”
2021 – “The number of terminations undertaken in 2021 was 13,758.”