Are women ever coerced into abortion?
Yes. Abortion coercion is a serious issue that is more widespread than many people realise. Women can be coerced into abortion in many ways. There can be pressure from a partner or a husband who doesn’t want a child. Parents, often with the best intentions, can pressure a girl or woman into an abortion. This might be because their daughter is still in education, or because she is not financially secure. Employers can make women feel irresponsible for becoming pregnant and exert pressure on a woman by complaining that she will be taking maternity leave.
These are typical comments from women who have been coerced:
- “It wasn’t my choice.”
- “My ‘choice’ for abortion wasn’t really a choice at all.”
- “I was only offered one choice.”
- “[I believed] I had no other choice”
- “I felt had no choice”
These comments make the slogan “A woman’s right to choose” sound very hollow.