Should men speak out about abortion?
Definitely. Pro-life advocate and medical doctor Calum Miller says that “by making abortion a ‘women’s issue’ only, you create fertile ground for men to abandon women whom they have put in that position. By excluding men from the debate, you are also excluding them from their responsibility, effectively telling them: you may have sex with whomever you want, and if anything happens, it’s nothing to do with you.”
Calum gives other key reasons why men should be active in the pro-life movement. He says that abortion is “ultimately a question about justice, and all of us have a responsibility to help redress injustice.”
He also says that there’s nothing wrong with men speaking on behalf of women who feel they would otherwise not be heard: “For my own part, I can say that countless women have asked me to keep speaking about abortion, knowing that I can represent their voices to a wider audience than they have access to. It seems perverse to take away the megaphone those women have in the name of ‘giving them a voice’.” In addition, Calum says: “Pro-choice men are rarely, if ever, asked to stay out of the conversation – their views about the morality of abortion are perfectly well tolerated.”
Damian J. Geminder, the editor of WomenDeserveBetter.com, asks the question: “How often have you been told that your opinion on abortion doesn’t matter because you’re a man?” He describes himself as a “pro-life feminist” and says that men can and should take that position.