Cross-party MPs support stopping Down’s syndrome abortions up until birth

Fox has reportedly gained support from MPs from all of Westminster’s main parties for an amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill that will stop babies diagnosed with Down’s syndrome from being aborted after 24 weeks.

There were 859 abortions of babies with Down’s syndrome in 2021 in England and Wales, according to the Department of Health and Social Care. Fox says this is an “utter travesty” and breaches the Equality Act 2010 that bans discrimination towards protected characteristics.

“There is considerable cross-party support to remove an anomaly in UK law which allows those with Down’s syndrome to be aborted up until 40 weeks”, Fox told The Times. “Many of us believe this is utterly against the purpose of our equality legislation and treats those with Down’s syndrome as second-class citizens when it comes to their rights.

“My amendment would remove an anomaly which many were not aware even existed and send a signal about the values that we share across the political system in our country.”

Heidi Crowter, a noted campaigner with Down’s syndrome, has challenged the existing UK law as a clear “instance of inequality”. Although her bid was reported by the UK Court of Appeal, Crowter is taking her case to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).

“I am very upset that babies with Down’s Syndrome can be aborted up to birth. This tells me that I am not valued and of much less value than a person without Down’s Syndrome”, she said.

A “barbaric” law affirming discrimination

SPUC’s Michael Robinson, Executive Director (Public Affairs and Legal Services), said: “Discrimination against anyone with a disability is wrong, but the killing of unborn babies up to the point of birth because they have Down’s syndrome is especially barbaric, and no ‘civilised’ nation should accept it.

“The current law sends the message to parents and children that discrimination against people with Down’s syndrome is acceptable, and that it might be better that they had never been born. This corrosive suggestion often leads to reported with disabilities.

“While abortion is always wrong, the killing of unborn children with disabilities is an especially glaring contradiction in the society that claims to protect and champion minority characteristics.”

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