Does abortion affect men?
Yes. There are comparatively fewer studies that look at the impact of abortion on men, but it would be wrong to think that only women suffer after an abortion.
A 2015 study found the following reactions in men:
· loss and grief including loss of the child and fatherhood, loss or deterioration of the intimate relationship, loss of trust in the partner and feelings of abandonment, loss of self-esteem resulting from personal failure, and sadness accompanying guilt or regret.
· feelings of helplessness and/or victimhood due to the lack of control over the outcome of pregnancy: helplessness entails a sense of vulnerability and incompetence, while victimhood entails weakness and humiliation, and these negative attributes undermine the positive experience of masculinity.
· spiritual healing experience associated with forgiving the partner and them- selves or with being forgiven by a higher power.
A 2019 overview of the studies about men and abortion concludes that: “This review of psychosocial aspects of induced abortion from a men’s perspective underlines the importance of designating a separate research field for studying the decision-making process leading to induced abortion, the psychological impact of abortion, and the methods efficiently supporting coping and grieving losses, rather than treating the related issues as subjects of a special line of research on women.”
In extreme cases, the grief at losing a child to abortion can cause some men to commit suicide.