SPUC Coffee Mornings

What’s included in my free pack?

Simple Steps to Organise a Coffee Morning

Select a Date, Time and Place for your Coffee Morning

Decide on a date and time which will work well for you. You may decide to hold a coffee morning in your home, in a church hall or in some other community venue. Coffee mornings come in all sizes!

Complete the Order Form Below to Receive Free Invitations

We will send you invitation cards, either blank cards which you can complete yourself or we can print cards for you with the details of your coffee morning.

Promote your Coffee Morning

We can send you A4 posters to advertise your Tiny Feet coffee morning. We will also send you a notice for you to include in your church bulletin, with permission of your priest or pastor.


After all of your hard work, remember to enjoy a cup of coffee too along with all your guests. Celebrate the positive impact you’ve made and take pride in spreading the culture of life throughout your community.

Order your Free Coffee Morning Pack

Fill in the form below to order your free coffee morning pack

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Your Details

Delivery Address

Details of your Coffee Morning

Date and Time

What would you like us to provide?

Please send me everything I need to hold a Tiny Feet coffee morning:
We provide these resources free of charge to help you attract supporters and make the most out of your coffee morning.
Would you like us to print the details of your coffee mornings on your Invitation Cards?
Would you like us to print the Posters with the details of your coffee mornings?
Would you like to be sent Tiny Feet Pin Badges to sell on the day? (Cost £1.50 each)
We will add your postal address and telephone number to our database to keep you informed on this and similar campaigns and opportunities to donate. We would also like to add your email address to our list of supporters so that we can keep you up to date with news and campaigns. We will keep your details safe and will not sell, swap or give them away. If you do not wish to hear from us by email, please select No below. Alternatively, you can email us at dataprotect@spuc.org.uk or call us on 020 7091 7091 at any time. Read our Privacy Policy at spuc.org/privacy-policy

Need more info? We’d love to hear from you!


You can send us an email at: information@spuc.org.uk

Send us email


Call us at 020 7091 7091, our lines are open Monday to Friday between 9:00 and 17:00

Call us


If you would like to contact us via post, address your letter to: Unit 3/B, Whitacre Mews, Stannary Street, Lodon, SE11 4AB

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