We are here to inform, educate and equip you with the resources you need on all pro-life matters.

What resources can we offer you?
On this page you will find a variety of valuable resources including educational materials, research documents, guides on how to effectively engage with your MP, medical professionals and more.
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Abortion Q&A
50 Questions People Ask About Abortion
When does human life begin?
Human life begins at fertilisation (also known as conception) when the sperm penetrates an ovum. The single-cell embryo created when this happens is known as a zygote. Once a zygote is present, sperm and ovum have fused together – they no longer exist. If fertilisation does not occur, then the sperm and ovum simply die.
Why is fertilisation so significant?
Once fertilisation has taken place, the new cell, conceived by mother and father, is a new human being with a complete human genome. The zygote starts to divide and change very rapidly. The baby starts to grow once fertilisation has taken place and this does not stop until he or she is 18 to 20 years old!
There is no other point during the development of a baby in the womb which marks the change between one kind of being and another – from two separate cells (like sperm and ovum) to a new human being.
Is there scientific evidence that human life begins at fertilisation?
Yes. Today, science has clearly established when human life begins. Debate about when human life begins often arises when people want to justify abortion. There is no debate in medical textbooks.

Where do we stand on key life issues?
Abortion and Women’s Health
Abortion and Women’s Health is an updated review of the current literature on the impact of abortion on women’s mental and physical health.

Our Review
Bringing critically important information to medical practitioners.
The review has been written to inform medical practitioners of the issues which need to be raised with women seeking an abortion and to help assess the possible consequences for women.
Publicity surrounding abortion often ignores the complexity of the abortion decision and the possibility of lasting distress or trauma.
This balanced and evidence-based 33-page review is available free of charge. You can order a paper copy or request that a digital version be emailed to you.
Political Resources
Get support writing to your MP and achieve impact with your message.
SPUC’s approach, based on decades of experience, is that nothing can beat a physical letter sent to your MP. However, a well-structured email can also be a very effective way. In many cases, we ask our supporters to write to their MP on specific issues described on our Campaigns page.
That’s why at SPUC we’ve made an easy to use tool that helps you find your local MP and e-mail them about key pro-life issues.

Briefings for Parliamentarians and Consultation Responses
We produce briefings for MPs and peers, to help resources inform and shape debates and questions you need in the House of Commons and the House of Lords on pro-life issues. We also work with politicians in Holyrood, Stormont and the Welsh Parliament.
In addition, we submit consultation responses to a number of inquiries including from select committees, public bill committees and politicians proposing bills.