In 2021 DIY abortion, where a woman takes both abortion pills at home, was the most common abortion procedure, accounting for 52% of all abortions. Abortion pills can now be ordered over the phone, with no medical supervision. When a woman is denied an in person consultation, she loses an opportunity to disclose her abuse. This is driving abortion into the shadows and placing power in the hands of abusers.
Michael Robinson, Executive Director (Public Affairs & Legal Services) said: “Abortion numbers are at an all-time high. There were 214,256 abortions for women resident in England and Wales in 2021; the highest number since the Abortion Act was introduced. It is a tragedy that so many unborn lives have been lost. It is also an indication that women need real help and support in their lives, not the quick fix of abortion.
“SPUC predicted that abortion numbers would continue to rise when the dangerous pills-by-post scheme was introduced in March 2020. DIY/at home abortion is a gift for abusers who can force women to order abortion pills over the phone, keeping their abusive and often violent behaviour hidden.”
A recent UK survey found that 15% of British women had experienced pressure or coercion to have an abortion that they did not want.
In a Savanta Comres poll conducted on behalf of SPUC last year, more than eight in ten GPs (86%) say they are concerned about women being at risk of being coerced into an abortion by a partner or family member with a telemedicine abortion appointment where the doctor has not seen the woman in person.
Mr Robinson continued: “DIY home abortion is a reckless policy which leaves women to suffer the effects of abortion at home, with no medical supervision or support. Women have to dispose of foetal remains on their own, and in some cases will see the tiny form of their dead baby.
“DIY abortion deprives women of the opportunity to meet with a medical professional in person, when coercion can be picked up. Today’s figures are a picture of the hidden scourge of abortion coercion.”
SPUC has launched a petition calling on the Health Secretary to recognise that coerced abortion is abuse.