MPs have voiced their concerns about the impending trial of Dr Livia Tossici-Bolt who is accused of offering help outside an abortion facility to women in crisis pregnancies, as reported by SPUC.
Several women engaged her in consensual conversations, and Dr Tossici-Bolt, a retired medical scientist, says her prosecution breaches her right to freedom of expression under Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).
Conservative MP Sir Edward Leigh said: “It’s mad that a retiree is facing trial for inviting people to have a harmless chat. No one should be turned into a criminal just for peacefully offering to talk to people in a public space…
“Freedom of thought and freedom of speech are the bedrock of a free society.”
Carla Lockhart MP of the Democratic Unionist Party pointed out the “alarming double standard — very objectionable views are often allowed at pro-Palestinian protests in the name of freedom of speech and expression, but the same right is not extended to this Christian woman who did not even offer an opinion, but merely invited a conversation.
“Why does one rule apply to those protesters, and another to Livia?”
Conservative peer Lord Jackson of Peterborough also said that “it’s astonishing that people of faith offering silent prayers on a matter of conscience are stigmatised, harassed and criminalised whilst those screaming for jihad on hate marches are allowed to spread their poison with impunity”.
Conservative MP Andrew Lewer, also commenting on Dr Tossici-Bolt’s case, stated: “The Home Office guidance on buffer zones should at least protect these in order to uphold international standards on freedom of speech and of thought.”
Free speech is under threat, it must be defended
SPUC’s Michael Robinson, Executive Director (Public Affairs and Legal Services), said: “Pro-life activists are being persecuted for the ‘crime’ of offering women a way out of abortion. Others are even arrested for thoughtcrime, such as Adam Smith-Connor who silently prayed for his dead son and now awaits trial.
“Buffer zones are antithetical to free speech and freedom of religion, as the Home Office has is not compatible with the European Convention on Human Rights. Pro-life Christians who hold peaceful vigil have been targeted in particular by illiberal local authorities.
“MPs must act urgently to protect the right of all British citizens to express their views peacefully and allow them to offer help that could ultimately save a life. Women have a right to hear what Dr Tossici-Bolt and other pro-lifers have to say and offer.”