Two parents have chosen life after being encouraged to abort one of two twins due to pregnancy complications. Both children were born and are doing well.
Abigail Whitlock was five months pregnant with twin boys when they were diagnosed with twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS), meaning that the placenta was not affording equal nutrients to the children in the womb.
After a procedure to correct the imbalance met with complications, Abigail and her husband were offered a choice: to clamp the umbilical cord of the smaller unborn boy to save the other twin.
But the parents refused to permit the procedure, which amounted to the abortion of the smaller boy, and deferred for a few days. “I wanted to hear their little cries after entering the world – not say goodbye before they had even got here”, said Abigail.
To their amazement, at the next check-up, both twins had improved. Harvey and Bellamy were born, and they are now flourishing at 15 months.
“Even for months after the twins were born, we would hold them and cry, and think of how we almost lost them”, said Abigail.
“I can also say that the joy that we feel now from having our twins in our lives greatly outweighs the sorrow we felt when we didn’t know if we would ever get to meet them. Don’t lose hope.”
SPUC comment
A SPUC spokesperson said: “Abigail and her husband chose life for both of their twin boys, despite a difficult diagnosis. They refused to abort one to save the other, trusting in hope and upholding the inherent value of both lives.
“Choosing life and hope, though it sometimes takes bravery and trust, is very different to the pro-abortion ethic that prays on fear and doesn’t give life a chance.
“As Christmas approaches, it’s worth remembering the joys and blessings that the gift of life brings.”