Parents in England who have suffered a miscarriage before 24 weeks of pregnancy may now apply for a baby loss certificate to recognise the life of their child. SPUC has welcomed the scheme as “a step in the right direction towards building a culture of life that recognises the right…
Dr Lord, medical director at MSI Reproductive Choices, told the BBC that he knows of up to 60 women facing criminal inquiries for suspected abortion crime in England and Wales since 2018, compared with almost zero before.
Half of mothers who have abortions say that the cost of childcare is the main reason for aborting a child, a devastating survey has found, warning that “We’re running out of babies”.
SPUC has hosted the UK event of the annual “Night to Shine” prom for the fourth successive year for people with special needs.
Over 10 thousand unborn babies are estimated to have been killed by abortion in the Republic of Ireland from January to November 2023.
According to media portrayals, pro-life men and women who attend prayer vigils outside abortion facilities are religious lunatics, a quaint hangover from the Middle Ages when burnings at the stake were considered light entertainment – a twelfth-century Netflix minus the subscription fee.
A noted pro-life activist known as the “pro-life Spiderman” has climbed the giant Sphere in Las Vegas on the eve of Sunday’s Superbowl.
A mother has spoken about how doctors told her to abort her unborn baby girl, considered unviable following the death of her healthier twin sister. She refused, and her daughter is now happy and thriving.
A doctor must pay compensation to angry parents after they “overlooked the child’s severe disability” in an ultrasound.
A 25-year-old man from the United States has offered to pay for the abortion of his unborn baby girl. “I have no intention of being a father”, he posted anonymously online. “Beyond just my dislike of children, I’m not ready for that. But she kept insisting that I’d have a…
Canada has delayed controversial plans to extend assisted suicide to mentally ill Canadians after failing to find enough doctors to implement the policy.
An MP has argued that abortion has no more moral importance than a prostate exam. The comments were made during a debate on removing abortion from the criminal law.
An English Anglican priest has written an open letter to his elderly mother who is considering assisted suicide to explain why “I don’t want to live in that sort of a society”. When a nation opens that “Pandora’s box of nastiness”, Reverend Giles Fraser warns, “it is the most vulnerable…
Assisted suicide will save the Canadian health care system up to $136.8 million a year, claims a study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. SPUC has slammed the suggestion as “heartless utilitarianism” that must be rejected.
An infamous director at Marie Stopes was the author of guidance telling medics not to report illegal abortions, even when the life of a late-term unborn baby is at stake.