Image of Dr. Dominic Whitehouse, a palliative care consultant.

YES to our hospices, NO to assisted suicide

A message from Dr. Dominic Whitehouse

I am a palliative care consultant working in my local hospice. I am only too aware of the desperate situation of many hospices, where lack of funding means they are unable to deliver the level of care needed by the local community.

I want to give my dying patients the very best care available, so that they can have a peaceful and dignified death.

Please join me in petitioning the Prime Minister to fund the urgent staffing needs of our world class hospices. Palliative care has suffered in countries where assisted suicide has been legalised.

Sign The Petition

I, the undersigned, call upon the Prime Minister to commit to long-term reform of hospice funding as part of the Government’s 10-year plan for the NHS, so that every hospice has the resources it needs to properly care for dying patients.

With the need for palliative care projected to increase by 25% over the next 25 years, the current model for funding hospices is not fit for purpose.

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