Our Campaign Against Assisted Suicide

SPUC upholds the right to life from conception until natural death, and has played a part in resisting many attempts both in Parliament and in the courts to change the law on assisted suicide.

There is currently a concerted attempt to impose assisted suicide across the UK. A Bill has just passed its third reading on the Isle of Man. It has already been approved in principle in Jersey, with politicians there now working out the details.

In Scotland, a private members bill brought by Orkney MSP Liam McArthur is making its way through Holyrood.

In Westminster, the Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer, has committed to allowing a free vote on the subject during this Parliament. There is already a private members bill in the House of Lords.

On this page you will find general resources on assisted suicide. Please view our related campaigns below for specific threats.


With the first reading of this bill taking place tomorrow, there is no better time to write to your MP 👉 spuc.org.uk/assistedsuicideuk Thank You! #parliament #houseofcommons #westminster #dignityindying #dignity #death

♬ original sound – SPUC Pro-Life

Briefings & Papers on Assisted Suicide

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