White Flower Appeal 2025

About the Appeal

The White Flower Appeal is dedicated to protecting unborn children and promoting the right to life in society. Our appeals in Churches raise awareness of pro-life matters to parishioners and the donations we receive allows SPUC to continue our tireless work to build a culture of life. We work to educate youth, lobby politicians, mobilise pro-life activities in the community, provide support to students facing crisis pregnancies and much more.

The White Flower Appeal is inspired by the courage of the White Rose Movement during World War II, which opposed the tyranny of the Nazi regime when so many lives were lost. Today, we need similar courage to stand for the vulnerable among us who are also losing their lives.

We are offering a better vision for society. So many lives are still being lost, and so much hurt continues to be inflicted, while many people don’t know any better.

Your support can change that. Please make the right to life one of your concerns..

What can I do?

To help support the White Flower Appeal you can:

Send an urgent message to the Health Secretary

Act Now and ask the UK Government to support all life, however small, vulnerable or marginalised, in accordance with the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Child which states:

“The child, by reason of his physical and mental immaturity, needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection, before as well as after birth”..

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