Remembrance Day event for unborn lives lost to abortion prays for life as UK death toll surges

Organised by EuroProLife, the European Voice of the Unborn Children, and representing 21 European nations, the 500 Crosses for Life March is a peaceful prayer procession in which Christians of all denominations pray for an end to abortion.

The first march took place in 2001 to commemorate the ongoing war against the unborn that claims at least 500 unborn lives every day in the UK – the average daily total has since reported in the space of twelve months.

The procession began at Westminster Cathedral on Saturday afternoon, concluding at Parliament Square later that day, with participants carrying white crosses for each unborn child lost to abortion.

Last September, seven thousand pro-lifers gathered in London for the 2023 March for Life, defending the right to life of the unborn, as well as the right to free thought, after several pro-lifers were arrested for the crime of silent prayer outside abortion facilities.

SPUC comment

A SPUC spokesperson said: “While an individual need not be religious to be pro-life, Christians are on the frontline of the battle for the right to life of the unborn, praying for them and actively campaigning on their behalf.

“In the last twelve months, several pro-life Christians have been arrested for praying near abortion facilities. When we see certain authorities attempting to outlaw prayer, the importance of such public testimony, bearing witness to the truth about abortion, becomes even clearer.

“Such peaceful events as these, prayerful or otherwise, make it clear that the unborn have not been forgotten. While we remember the lives lost to abortion, we also rededicate ourselves to creating a world where abortion is ultimately unthinkable.”

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