Ice cream giant Ben & Jerry’s celebrates National Abortion Provider Appreciation Day in “disgusting” online campaign

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Ben & Jerry’s celebrated National Abortion Provider Appreciation Day on 10 March with a post on X that subsequently went viral, stating that the ice cream company “stand[s] with abortion providers today and every day”.

“Abortion care providers are being threatened across the country”, the post continued. It linked to a page on Ben & Jerry’s website dedicated to what it stated are the  “5 Reasons We Stand with Providers on Abortion Provider Appreciation Day – And Every Day”.

The website says: “We celebrate the compassionate, courageous abortion care providers around the country who are fighting for reproductive freedom.”

“Conservative politicians and anti-abortion activists have increased their efforts to intimidate and silence providers and close clinics”, Ben & Jerry’s claimed. “Hundreds of new laws limiting or eliminating access to abortion have been proposed over the past three years, many of them actively targeting providers.”

The ice cream brand went on to label pro-life activism as “white supremacy in action”, also accusing the pro-life movement of “violence and crime against providers and clinics”.

Ben & Jerry’s also complained that “abortion bans in 14 [US] states have already left those states without a single clinic!” after the repeal of Roe. Wade in 2022 by the US Supreme Court, once again allowing individual states to determine their own abortion laws.

There was widespread outrage at Ben & Jerry’s statements, which also prompted calls for a boycott, including from the Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles who called the posts “psycho stuff… No decent person should ever take another bite of this garbage again.”

Noted pro-lifer Lila Rose also called for a boycott, stating the following:

Abby Johnson, the former Planned Parenthood executive who became a pro-life activist, also condemned Ben & Jerry’s, stating:

Pro-life scientist Obianuju Ekeocha added the following:

Parent company Unilever reportedly sacked Ben & Jerry’s CEO this month because of continuing rows over the Vermont-based ice cream maker’s political activism.

Courts documents in the US alleged that British-based Unilever wanted to stop Ben & Jerry’s CEO David Stever from making any further political statements, which had included a flavour of ice cream in support of pro-abortion presidential candidate Kamala Harris.

Last week, Planned Parenthood announced the sale of its Manhattan abortion facility that was named after its founder, Margaret Sanger. Her name was later removed from the facility because of her links to the racist eugenicist movement. In 1926, Sanger spoke to a women’s auxiliary group of the Ku Klux Klan.

It has been reported that more black babies are aborted than born in New York City, according to NYC Health Department data.

Since the repeal of Roe v. Wade, it is estimated that thousands of unborn babies have been saved because of abortion bans or shortened limits. Florida’s six-week ban, which became active on 1 May 2024, resulted in a 30% drop in abortions in the US state by the end of June.

One study reported that there were cumulatively 32,260 fewer abortions in the US between July and December 2022 compared with figures before Roe v. Wade was overturned.

Attacks on pro-life individuals and groups surged 22x in the US following the repeal of Roe, the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) has found. There were 135 attacks on pro-life targets compared with just six against pro-abortion advocates between 3 May and 24 September 2022.

Pro-abortion militant group Jane’s Revenge declared “open season” on pro-life pregnancy centres, stating that it would “find joy” in violence. One such attack occurred in Buffalo, New York, where a pro-life office was set on fire and daubed with the slogan, “Jane Was Here.” Catholic churches have also been targeted.

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